PMID: 30247214.
Citrate infusion rate = (treated blood per hour x citrate dose (mmol/L ) / citrate concentration (mmol/L)
Treated blood per hour = blood flow (ml/min) x 60
Citrate load and removal calculations assume that citrate has a sieving coefficient of 1 and therefore effluent saturates near to 100%
Citrate load to circuit = (treated blood per hour / 1000 ) x citrate dose (mmol/L)
Citrate mass removal = [((effluent volume (L) ) x citrate dose (mmol/L))/ citrate load to circuit (mmol/hr)] x 100
Citrate load to patient = citrate load to circuit (mmol/hr) - (effluent volume (L) x citrate dose (mmol/L))
The elemental calcium infusion calculator is based on the theoretical calcium removal with CRRT effluent and therefore the recommended calcium replacement infusion. The limit for calcium removal by CRRT has been established in 6 mmol/hr
This is a simplified version of the second phase mathematical model proposed by Zheng et al and Yu et al. This simplified model has been validated in a prospective cohort pending publication.
PMID: 30716204.
PMID: 30448847.
Calcium preparation asumes that calcium vials are:
Calcium Chloride 10%, 10 ml vials = 1 gram, 13.6 meq, 6.8 mmol of elemental calcium
Calcium Gluconate 10%, 10 ml vials = 1 gram, 4.65 meq, 2.32 mmol of elemental calcium
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